Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Matthew's Band Concert

I begged him not to do it!
I didn't want to add one more thing on our plate.
I tried to persuade him to try something else in the summer.
He withstood my arguments.
And now, in our house, we have....

a Band Geek!
(although he's a pretty handsome band geek!)

Matthew chose to play the saxophone in the 4th grade band
and they had their first concert last week.
I saw him sitting there with the other 174 kids,
and I started to tear up, thinking how grown up and responsible he's getting.
He was anxious for us all to be there and see him play.
Just when I was getting a little too emotional for a band concert,
they started to play and the tears turned to laughter!
Imagine 175 kids playing hot cross buns on 
10 different instruments,
all at the same time.
It was hilarious!
It wasn't a bunch of experts, but those kids played their hearts out!
Can't wait for the spring concert to see how much better they get!


Mostess Mommy said...

What a happy & handsome band geek you have ion your hands! What fun instrument, too!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Matt......another Kenny G. db

Kelsey and Rylee said...

Love this!

cbunting said...

Matt, get out now!!! One day, you will find yourself looking around in band class and you will think to yourself, "What the heck am I doing in here?!? This could be very detrimental to my having a successful social life." Take it from one who has been there before. I got out just in time. I just hope you will do the same...

Heather said...

I think band is OK...but you'll have to draw the line at MARCHING band. Way to go Matt!

Carolyn said...

Go Matt! What a cutie! And nice choice of instrument too.

Unknown said...


Travelin'Oma said...

Pete wanted to play the sax and I made him take clarinet. Total mommy mistake. A sax is cool.

Michelle said...

Ah, the sweet "calming" sound of a horn filling the house. What fun! He looks cute!