Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Happy Birthday Nana!

The girls just love to be with Nana!

One of my favorite memories of Gail
is when she came out to help with Nora.
We realized that having our 4th baby might 
prove to be a little difficult
and we recruited Gail to come help out for a week
It was so nice to turn everything over to her very capable hands.  
I didn't need to worry about the house, dinner, or the kids
All I had to do was snuggle the babe and Gail took care of the rest.
It means the world to me that she would pause her life 
to come help me!

We love you Nana and hope your day is fabulous!

1 comment:

The Lewis Family said...

Thank you, thank you!! I appreciate your kind words and delight in the fact that I can be of help to you in your times of need...pray for me that I can have many more years to be of assistance because I seriously love doing it!