Friday, December 24, 2010

Feeling the Christmas Spirit

I was up early this morning-
defrosting the turkey, making layered jell-o, 
wrapping the final presents
all the preparations to make this a great holiday for the kids.

There are a couple things left to do today:
make a shepherd and two angel costumes
for the kids to participate in a nativity at a retirement home tonight
and help secretly drop off some Christmas for another family

I was sad earlier this month to think that I was missing out 
on all our family get togethers this year-
feeling lonely and sad for myself
and then some opportunities came along for us to help those who have very little
it has changed my perspective this year.
If we truly want the spirit of Christmas in our homes,
we need to seek the spirit of Christ.
When we lose ourselves, we find joy, love, and peace,
which are the greatest of Christ's gifts to us.

I remember when I was little, 
my parents helped to provide Christmas for 
patients at the Utah state mental hospital.  
These people were lost and forgotten and had no loved ones to remember them at Christmas.  
We never met these patients, but as I think back now on shopping and wrapping presents for them, weren't they the very people Jesus himself would seek out and bless. 
I hope that my children will remember not only the fun of Christmas, 
but also the times when we were able to serve others and bring the Christmas spirit to them.

So although I am just as excited as my kids for tomorrow morning,
I hope today we will remember why we are really celebrating.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas....God bless us, everyone. See you soon.......db

Shirley said...

Thank you for your beautiful thoughts! Sounds like you found the Christmas spirit - and will have a wonderful Christmas. It even looks like a white Christmas there!!! We love all of you and wish you all the best in the New Year, too. Actually hope to see you sometime this next year as we do our driving "walk about" next fall. Love, G & G J