Friday, October 12, 2012

Halle is 6 Today!

We love our cute, fun, spunky little red-head!

Here are 6 great things about Halle on her 6th birthday!

1.  She makes us laugh!
2.  She is very popular--I had parents coming up to me at curriculum night telling me that their child talks about Halle all the time at home.  Halle has tons of play dates and birthday party invites!
3.  She is an awesome sleeper--more than any of the other kids, this girl loves her shut-eye!
4.  Halle loves her dad--they share a special bond because of that red hair!
5.  Halle cartwheels everywhere--she'd rather flip than walk!
6.  She has a big heart--Halle is a great friend and always wants to include others.

We love you Halle-girl!  Happy Birthday!


Heather said...

I love you Halle! Hope you have an awesome birthday!

Lynsi said...

she's so grown up! I love that red hair of hers, have fun celebrating!